Sunday, December 13, 2009

At the Bus Stop

So I've come to develop a ridiculous question... do men wait, as women do? Or aren't we supposed to be the ones pursuing, being the ones that women wait for? Because if we all wait nothing could happen... everything becomes idle. Some can wait at the bus stop, others will call a cab, and some prefer to save up and buy their own means of transportation. There's all these women, but I always want the ones that are unattainable. Women that are complicated, involved, or are just a previous chapter in my life. When a book is good, some might want to re-read it.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

nobody is perfect. everyone does their part of fucked up shit and childish mistakes. i'm known to do foul shit like that, but lately i've felt like a new person. i've reflected on the shit i've done, the hurt i've caused, and the pain i've endured. i've come out to become a better individual. i've lost some of the greatest parts of my life in the process. but that's the beauty of learning. so that next time around, i don't fuck up. i've also chose a career path to go down which took a lot of thought. through the years i felt as if i was playing it by ear, choosing whatever path seeemed right. now i got a map.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

ain't nothing colder than a shoulder in december.